Tukituki candidates ramp up campaigning ahead of tight election race
Tukituki candidates ramp up campaigning in what is expected to be a tight race.
Tukituki candidates ramp up campaigning in what is expected to be a tight race.
"There's something special about driving over projects you've been involved in."
Council asks for public feedback on the development of a part of Flaxmere's town centre.
Hastings couple say Kāinga Ora's demolition of their fence and garden has blindsided them.
"Having a shop is the best thing in life really. I've loved every minute."
The mobile donation service was held at Toitoi for three days.
"We were extremely impressed with what Hastings has managed to achieve in 12 months."
On the Kingsgate streets on Friday, reaction was mixed.
A number of tenders were received but were not at a level that the vendor would accept.
Parrots being taken out of their cages only to be put back is "unfair", campaigner says.
The new facility will also have educational elements explaining the water ecosystem.
Four years after the Keirunga creative hub's darkest day, there is light once again.
The Harapaki windfarm project has been on the drawing boards at least 15 years.
A Karamu High School teacher has won the prestigious teaching award.
Jacinda Ardern announced it just six weeks ago. HB councils have already seized on it
Group set up to fight the building of reservoir has no money left for an appeal.
Hinewai Ormsby and husband Cam grow native plants and hold annual community planting days.
Three semifinals in a rare day of club rugby at McLean Park.
All bets on for big race on election day - whoa re you backing?
The council has received verbal advice that its lease of the land is being terminated.
They need to care for their mum. Now they're stranded and jobless in locked-down Auckland.
A billion-dollar target by 2022 was set seven years ago. It's bang-on the pace.
A carpark is set to become an outdoor dining area adjacent to businesses this summer.
It isn't for everyone, but this art practice is taking off (so to speak) in Hawke's Bay.
"Some are spending days without power in rentals as they can't afford to top up a meter."
Rain has kept most shearers and woolhandlers in Hawke's Bay off work for a week.
Revival of the Hawke's Bay club rugby stalwart was "miraculous", Zac Guildford says.
There've been 12 deaths on the road in just over four years - eight in the last 12 months.
When thieves smashed and grabbed Nicolas Lichtbringer's van, they were also taking a bed.
Parole Board suggests further steps for violent offender.