Four sites shortlisted for Hawke’s Bay’s new $15m hospice
Plans for a much-needed new hospice are getting back on track.
Plans for a much-needed new hospice are getting back on track.
The Moffett's property was over a metre of water during the cyclone.
Huge Havelock North development won't touch the bull.
The matter has now been referred to the Coroner.
If you follow the paint-by-numbers curriculum, classroom management will be a struggle.
Be ready for Thursday night - the minimum temperature is forecast to be 20C.
Rates will increase 54 per cent over three years - without cuts it would be 69.1 per cent.
David Buick was almost killed and wondered if he would ever walk again.
The confronting video shows a 'sad reality' that is becoming more common, Foodstuffs says.
Daniel Eliu was shot six times at point-blank range - including four in the back.
Hawke's Bay's iconic and cyclone-smashed hairpin bend could be cut across by a bridge.
The new-look Hawks were beaten by 21 points one week - but won by 27 the next.
'A new crematorium is expected to be built within the next year or two.'
'That’s my whānau chanting to scare the enemy.'
Most realised it was a scam and didn’t engage, but some thought it was the man himself.
The 20-year-old nailed a task to build a picnic table.
Games will be moved to Tremain Field in Napier for the 'foreseeable future'.
From NZ to the Super Bowl, Brandon Ransfield's star is shining bright.
'How someone didn’t get killed I just don’t know.'
Catherine Reeves enjoyed a picnic in the dense woods, then returned to find trees gone.
Hawke's Bay-based company coming to the end of another busy summer season.
New mountain bike trails in Eskdale and a running milestone as well.
The driver says the 1.1kg rock sounded like a gunshot and just missed him.
Club captain Guy Taylor was driving as shotgun pellets rained down on the van.
The final rematch that Taradale had been waiting for arrived, and they were ready for it.
Local Danielle Harper reveals how to have a restorative visit in the region.
The days of undie-throwing are gone. But at 83, he still has a voice and a touch of spice.
It's the second serious motorcycle crash in the region in 24 hours.
'Hawke’s Bay will lose ground to other regions, and become a regional backwater.'
It was set to be a fascinating case study. But illness meant it wasn't a fair fight.