Landlord told he can't split power bills between tenants
Tenancy Tribunal rules against landlord who tried to divide power bill between tenants
Tenancy Tribunal rules against landlord who tried to divide power bill between tenants
A Hawke's Bay family is continuing its fight to find a rental during a housing crisis.
That brings the number of active community cases across the country to 11,601.
It was an all-around effort for Napier OBM.
Police arrest nine over meth operation in Wairoa, including gang members
Just over 5 per cent of those eligible have not claimed dividend.
One teen dead, another in hospital with serious injuries.
Police staff stood down over vaccination order
A Hastings cafe owner says it is getting harder and harder to run a small business.
A tenant in one of the 377 flats Napier City Council could sell fears the future.
Adding to the humidity, intense rain is forecast for east from Hawke's Bay to Coromandel.
The record was 222 daily community cases on November 16 last year.
No marlin in the last three years - this year, seven were weighed on day 1.
Today's new locations follow an Air New Zealand flight that was added last night.
Napier has nurtured many well-known New Zealand musicians
The Hawke's Bay Farmers' Market saw a modest turnout on its first weekend at red.
Company liquidates after audit reveals it didn't qualify for $106k in wage subsidies
The Erasmus family is among the big spike in applications to home school in Hawke's Bay.
Hastings man who sexually abused children in his own family for 25 years jailed.
A mum and her calf were spotted feeding near the shoreline of Marine Parade Beach.
Two traditional foes start the battle for the Hawke Cup.
Schools are each making their own micro-adjustments to the red traffic light setting.
Bid to alleviate uncertainty that Omicron is giving Kiwi kids as they head back to school.
Some staff have been working at the Alto facility for decades.
As well as lower emissions, reduced spray drift & improved soil and tree health expected.
"We don't want our elderly and vulnerable living in sub-standard housing conditions."
The trees on council land are being removed to make way for much-needed housing.
The old premises of Dannevirke's Fantasy Cave has been farewelled in a blessing ceremony.
NZ Cricket has announced a huge schedule shake-up, which benefits Napier.