'Amalgamation by stealth': Regional deals could reopen Hawke's Bay debate
Hawke's Bay wants a regional deal with the Govt, but is it "amalgamation by stealth"?
Hawke's Bay wants a regional deal with the Govt, but is it "amalgamation by stealth"?
A 5-litre container of muriatic acid fell off the back of a vehicle and on to the road.
'I can’t get around how the vehicle is deemed abandoned when I’m right here.'
One voluntary group has so far cleaned up 150 silt-ridden homes and properties.
'Systems issues' with new technology have given parkers pushing the boundaries a reprieve.
The deconstruction of the Tōmoana Showgrounds grandstand is complete.
Military flag repaired and returned to Hastings District Council.
Report has been 10 years in the making.
A report last year recommended adding chemicals to water to neutralise the issue.
As the cleanup continues, some residents face an uncertain future.
A large mower operated by a council contractor damaged a bridge support.
Mobile Licence Plate Recognition technology implemented to lower parking warden abuse.
Project aimed at protecting flood-prone area.
Floodwaters have gone inside properties, flooding carpets and walls.
Hawke's Bay residents have a chance to have their names etched into new building's legacy.
Hastings District Council is disappointed by government plans for referenda.
Gabrielle wiped out 50m of the main road to Kererū. 15 months later, it's still cut off.
Some high-profile candidates are pushing for your vote in two Hastings wards.
The 50-decibel limit has been called into question, but similar policies exist around NZ.
The hotel doesn't want the stage to be shut but the bar owner says he now has no choice.
Across Hastings and Napier, 167 properties are in Category 3 and eligible for a buyout.
Council's 'challenging' draft Long Term Plan could include closing Frimley Pool.
Court told Hastings council has had 25 other breaches since 2019.
It was set to be a fascinating case study. But illness meant it wasn't a fair fight.
WIthout help it could take decades to restore the economy as well as years of rates hikes.
Council stopped adding fluoride to allow for chlorine.
Byelection battles are shaping up in Hastings district, at a further cost to ratepayers.
An event in Rotorua was cancelled and another in Gisborne drew heated criticism.
A solar farm in Central Hawke's Bay and one near Hawke's Bay Airport both face delays.
Temporary bridge partially re-opens.