Trains for $40 a day between Hamilton and Auckland
The total trip time from Frankton would be 88 minutes.
The total trip time from Frankton would be 88 minutes.
The average Hamilton house price is now valued at over half a million dollars.
Soldiers camped out Armistice day commemorations. Made with funding from NZ on Air
Pacific Rose Bowl Festival brings colour to Hamilton. Made with funding from NZ On Air.
Recipient of offensive message from councillor dismayed workshop hasn't happened.
Not so "stoked":Council will review how it markets two councillors' business going forward
Councillors told it's not appropriate to promote commercial app while on council business.
Hamilton's ratepayers group calling on the SFO to investigate Hamilton City Council.
Past Hamiltonians stories uncovered in cemetery tour. Made with funding from NZ On Air
There are 1000 dog tags available for the trial in Hamilton which kicks off next month.
Māori will hold a seat on Hamilton council's committees.
Councillors criticised for questioning process after audit clears council
Hamilton City Council boss says the audit report confirms no one made commercial gains.
Council staff made numerous attempts to correct Audit NZ report into city park expansion.
Hamilton's 10-year plan was given the final tick of approval, with rates rise of 9.7%.
Hamilton mayor Andrew King accused of being "ageist" after promoting new councillor.
Afghani interpreters now have New Zealand citizenship. Made with funding from NZ on Air.
Council refuses to reveal details of audit into park expansion.
Hamilton City Council has reluctantly released its list of eight forbidden words.
Some city councillors say censorship of public submissions doesn't make sense.
Hamilton Mayor Andrew King speaks out on questions over conflict of interest.
Hamilton mayor won't respond to questions about rates savings.
Find out how Hamilton's mayor's rates will change under the council's new rates proposal.
Hamilton mayor says council spending lots of money on review to 'shut down the foxes'.
King says he's told anyone who will listen about his vision for a bigger river-facing park
Council CEO recalls moment tiger victim's husband asked why he hadn't visited.
Hamilton mayor says developers who were given advanced heads up not 'profiteering type'.
Council defends giving two property owners the heads up on a proposed development.
COMMENT: Hamilton City Council clearly has far too much time on its hands.
Hamilton City Council discusses Mayor Andrew King's controversial name change.