Latest fromGwynne Dyer on global affairs
Gwynne Dyer: Three miracles needed to keep Greece in EU
After the IMF took part in the 2010 bail-out it was deeply embarrassed. It had broken its own rules, and found it hard to admit it, writes Gwynne Dyer.
Gwynne Dyer: Tyrants face the music with little to fear
'I prefer death to surrender," said Pakistan's former military dictator, Pervez Musharraf, on April 1 to the special court that is trying him on five counts of high treason.
Gywnne Dyer: World's grim future warm and hungry
If you want to go on eating regularly in a rapidly warming world, live in a place that's high in latitude or high in altitude.
Gwynne Dyer: Ukraine needs cash and careful handling
The Yanukovych era is finished; the former president will not make another comeback, writes Gwynne Dyer. He has killed too many people.
Gwynne Dyer: Bloody toll leaves Ukraine's president no choice
When a Government announces an "anti-terror operation", that generally means it has decided to kill some people.
Gwynne Dyer: Extreme weather a little payback for temperate emitters
The standard climate change predictions said people in the tropics and the sub-tropics would be badly hurt by global warming.
Gwynne Dyer: Snowden's mission: helping us control the spies
It's always dangerous to declare "mission accomplished". Former US president George W. Bush did it weeks after he invaded Iraq, and it will be quoted in history books a century hence as proof of his arrogance and his ignorance.
Gwynne Dyer: North Korean turmoil will have China and US on edge
Purges in Communist states have rarely stopped with the execution of one senior party member.
Gwynne Dyer: Greek raid lesson from Germany's past
Two governments did bold, brave things last week. One of them quit and called a new election even though it had a viable majority in Parliament.
Gwynne Dyer: Use law to stop rape being an African problem
Last May, with considerable trepidation, I wrote an article about what seemed to be extraordinarily high rates of rape in Africa.
Gwynne Dyer: Casual diplomacy produces unexpected rabbit
When someone pulls a rabbit out of a hat, it's natural to be suspicious. Magicians are professionals in deceit - and so are diplomats. But sometimes the rabbit is real.
Russians switch off + put up with Putin
Why do Russians continue put up with being ruled by Vladimir Putin, asks Gwynne Dyer, when there are alternatives available?
Vote avoids shame of unwinnable war
'Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me" - so the British Parliament decided that it didn't want to be shamed over Syrian intervention, writes Gwynne Dwyer.
Gwynne Dyer: The secret's out - US spies are in the dark
Every step onward increases the scale and complexity of the computer systems, until they are too big and complex for any one person to understand, writes Gwynne Dyer.
Gwynne Dyer: Monogamy vs adultery - it's about survival of the species
Science writer Matt Ridley once described the human mating system as "monogamy plagued by adultery," which sounds a little judgmental.
Gwynne Dyer: Nelson Mandela's South African legacy
As I write this, Nelson Mandela is still with us, writes Gwynne Dyer. "How will South Africa do without him? Wrong question. In practice, South Africa has been doing without him for more than a decade."
Gwynne Dyer: Ethiopian dam spells water woes for Egypt
Egypt depends utterly on irrigation water from the Nile to grow its food. Even now there is not enough and Egypt's population is still growing fast, writes Gwynne Dyer.
Gwynne Dyer: Deciphering the double speak on Syrian solutions and security
Sometimes, in diplomacy, a translator is not enough. You need a code-breaker.
Gwynne Dyer: Want a gun? Just go and photocopy one
Not everybody in the world, exactly, but at least everybody with $8000 to buy a 3D printer on e-Bay, or access to one of the 3D printing shops, writes Gwynne Dyer.