More than 5000 whales could be saved: report
A compromise being negotiated by the IWC could save 5000 whales over the next ten years
A compromise being negotiated by the IWC could save 5000 whales over the next ten years
Sir Geoffrey Palmer has drawn the ire of anti-whaling conservationists, saying some whales may need to be killed in order to save others.
The conservation group's latest ship will be the most eco-friendly on the sea.
John Key will be offered $4781 by Lucy Lawless and Jim Salinger in an attempt to get him to a climate change conference in Denmark.
Actor Lucy Lawless helped start a peace march which will circle the world before ending in the Andes in January.
Greenpeace is trying to keep up pressure on Fonterra to limit its use of palm kernel feed with a public rally outside the Ports of Tauranga.
Farmers have described Greenpeace's occupation of an inbound cargo vessel as 'economic treason.'
Police make second arrest while expressing serious safety concerns for activists aboard a cargo ship off the Tauranga coast.