Anthony Doesburg: Cyber war risk is here and now, author claims
Others dispute danger, but agree on the need to be prepared for attack.
Others dispute danger, but agree on the need to be prepared for attack.
The Govt will amend the 'claim of right' defence successfully used by the men who damaged equipment at the Waihopai spy base.
The men who damaged the Waihopai spy base are being chased for $1,229,289, including the cost of beer, juice and savouries for staff who worked to repair the damage.
Green MP Keith Locke is warning the Government the lawsuit it's bringing against the Waihopai spy base saboteurs may backfire.
New Zealand's secret spies emerged from the shadows yesterday to deny their Waihopai station is an American spy base contributing to torture and war.
One of the three Waihopai spy base attackers has welcomed the prospect of a $1.1 million Crown damages claim, saying the trio have less than $1000 between them.
The decision to acquit the Waihopai saboteurs surprised Prime Minister John Key who is not ruling out a law change.
What goes on at the Government spy base penetrated by peace activists?
No defendant is likely to succeed with a "greater good" defence again, following the publicity surrounding the spy base case, a law expert says.
Other defendants may consider using the same "greater good" defence as three activists who damaged the Waihopai spy base, a legal expert says.
Three peace protesters are found not guilty of an attack on a top-secret South Island spy base, despite admitting causing $1m damage.