'What's your spy name?': Parliament's spying debate goes off track
Parliament's debate on spying reforms took a light-hearted turn this week.
Parliament's debate on spying reforms took a light-hearted turn this week.
EXCLUSIVE: Kiwi spy agencies and our elite soldiers have a long-standing link with surprise Kiwi Peter Thiel.
New Zealand has sought advice on deradicalisation from the Malaysian Government.
Labour has opted for NZ First over the Greens in its nomination to the committee which oversees New Zealand's spies.
Labour and Act say they will back a Green Party proposal to give domestic violence victims up to 10 days' paid leave.
The investigation into issues raised by Edward Snowden's Kiwi leaks of National Security Agency material is almost complete. David Fisher points to the areas most needing attention.
Details of the construction of the top secret spy base at Tangimoana were filed with Archives New Zealand with no security rating.
Our intelligence agencies are so secretive that most of the stories we find out about are by accident.
The new State Services Commissioner was once one of the highest paid public servants but is now promising a "conservative approach" to pay rises for chief executives.
Spark is critical of spying laws which leave it up to the company whether to volunteer information about its customers.
The GCSB is facing questions over further illegal spying - but the evidence to clear or convict is incomplete or missing.
Cyber-attacks on New Zealand computers and networks have more than doubled over the last five years, data released under the Official Information Act shows.
COMMENT: Although it may be an improvement on earlier legislation governing spying the bill still contains many flaws.
The GCSB will be able to spy on Kiwis on "national security" grounds but the definition of "national security" is yet to be decided.
The target of GCSB spying is considering a legal challenge against the New Zealand Government.
Law enforcement agencies could get new powers to access information stored through cloud-based technology or social media.
The Independent Review of Intelligence and Security Services is due to deliver its recommendations to the Government on Monday.
New Zealand's intelligence agencies will get a funding boost as concerns rise about the Islamic State (Isis), cyber-attacks and other
The inquiry would study the way the GCSB chose its targets, what its decision-making process was and how it stuck to its duty to be politically neutral.
A wide-ranging review into New Zealand's intelligence agencies will be headed by former Deputy Prime Minister Sir Michael Cullen and lawyer Dame Patsy Reddy.
The Terminator stands guard over New Zealand artist Simon Denny's visually complex, creepy and witty Venice Biennale installation Secret Power, which opened this week.
The “fabrication” claim has been part of the Prime Minister’s standard response to revelations of activities carried out by New Zealand’s electronic eavesdropping agency.
It would be surprising if our intelligence agencies were not spying on China in some way, writes David Fisher.
Prime Minister John Key has downplayed revelations from Edward Snowden documents that New Zealand and American hackers had made a plan to spy on China.
New Edward Snowden documents reveal that the GCSB and NSA cooked up a plan to crack into a data link between Chinese government buildings in Auckland.
Five Eyes allies identified a diplomatic data link between Chinese offices as a target for hacking. Nicky Hager and Ryan Gallagher dissect the plan.
The GCSB's surveillance operations in Bangladesh are among the most surprising and obscure yet revealed.
The latest Edward Snowden file spying revelations is a grievous abuse of power that should call into question that the GCSB is an agency concerned with protecting our security.
The first rule of spying is: don't get caught. Do so and there's a high risk you'll end up in a windowless underground concrete cell wondering when the goons clock on.