Latest fromGovernment

Tender invitation kicks off Govt broadband project
The Government has fired the starting gun on its billion-dollar broadband rollout.

National health board welcomed, job losses not
The creation of a National Health Board is well received despite concern about the predicted 500 job losses.

Hide's fee for speech a 'real rort' - Goff
Labour calls Rodney Hide's fee for a breakfast speech "utterly unacceptable", saying the public should have access to ministers without having to pay.

National Health Board to see 500 jobs cut
Five hundred "backroom" jobs in the health sector will go in a major Govt shake-up that will see the establishment of a National Health Board.

Aide admits Obama team 'controlled' the media (+video)
One of Obama's aides has run into controversy by revealing the extent to which his campaign manipulated the media.

National's 'gloss' will wear off - Goff
Phil Goff says National is still enjoying a honeymoon with the public after a new poll showed it had double the support of Labour.

World Cup losses rocket to $39m
The expected losses from the Rugby World Cup have blown out to $39.3 million and could get worse if ticket sales flop.

Simon Power's speech on support for crime victims
Justice Minister Simon Power's speech announcing changes in Government support for the victims of serious crime.

More financial support for crime victims
Victims of serious crime will now get more financial support - including a payment for attending the court hearing of the accused.