Latest fromGovernment

National one year on: Key rewrites political rulebook
The chief executive of NZ Incorporated is nothing short of a political phenomenon.

<i>Brian Gaynor</i>: KiwiSaver big and important success
KiwiSaver, which now has 1,189,597 contributing members, is a huge success.

Tough decisions needed to avoid crisis -Treasury
Tough decisions about prisons, education, pensions and tax need to be made if NZ is to avoid a looming Government debt crisis, says Treasury.

English left in 'unfair position'
Finance Minister Bill English in the "unfair position" of receiving no Wellington accommodation allowance, Speaker Lockwood Smith says.

Police given wider powers to take DNA
MPs today passed a law that by 2011 will allow police to take DNA samples from anyone they intend charging with an imprisonable offence.

Smacking law march aims to be big
A property manager who is spending $450,000 on a march against the smacking law hopes it will be the biggest protest march in NZ history.

March to call for action on smacking referendum
A march to protest the Govt's lack of action following the so-called anti-smacking referendum has been announced.