Latest fromGovernment

Williams angry at censorship of paper on Hide's travel
North Shore Mayor Andrew Williams is angry parts of Mr Hide's Cabinet paper on his controversial taxpayer funded trip were censored.

Electricity re-jig model's last chance - Consumer
The Government's shake up of the electricity sector could be the last chance the competitive pricing model has, says Consumer NZ chief executive Sue Chetwin.

Power sector brought into line
The electricity sector is in for the most comprehensive overhaul since the late 1990s.

Commissioner won't define Maori policy because she's white
The head of the Families Commission today told MPs she couldn't define a policy with a Maori name because she was a middle class white woman.

Brownlee delivers major electricity market shake-up
Energy Minister Gerry Brownlee says a big energy company shake-up is designed to give more power to consumers.

Power company shake up announced by Govt
The Government has unveiled a shake up of the state owned power companies in an attempt to get more competition into the electricity sector.