Latest fromGovernment

Govt pushes on with leaky homes plan
The Government is moving on with its plans to help leaky home owners and says it is up to councils whether they participate or not.

Leaky homes will cost $11.3b to fix - report
Between 22,000 and 89,000 properties are affected by the leaky homes problem. The estimated cost of fixing them is $11.3 billion, a report released today says.

Govt defends proposed changes to Holidays Act
Acting Prime Minister Bill English says the changes make calculating holiday pay rates more transparent.

Climate deal 'meaningful, unprecedented' - Obama
The US and four other countries, including China, reach a climate agreement to reduce and measure emissions reductions. But Barack Obama says a "fundamental deadlock in perspectives" exists with developing nations.

Key steps in to save Hide's Act job
Rodney Hide survived moves to oust him as Act leader last month after the PM privately indicated National's deal with Act would be off.

<i>Editorial:</i> Compromise prolongs tale of two cities
Observing the proper spelling of a language is the right thing to do.

'Yes we can' gives way to realities of power politics
Barack Obama has the worst poll rating for any American President since Truman at this stage in the presidency.

No place for 'mean-spirited' opposition to flag - Harawira
Flying the Maori flag should be a cause for celebration, not mean-spirited opposition, says outspoken Maori Party MP Hone Harawira.

Joyce: No more than $3 for Transmission Gully toll
Steven Joyce says the toll on the Transmission Gully route will be no more than $3.