Ban smoking from beaches, health officials ask
Health officials tackling Maori smoking want new measures to ban the habit at beaches, playgrounds, bus stops and other areas.
Health officials tackling Maori smoking want new measures to ban the habit at beaches, playgrounds, bus stops and other areas.
Steven Ratuva says scoring political points will not break the impasse between the two countries.
The woman who designed the Tino Rangatiratanga flag disputes accusations that the family of embattled Maori Party MP Hone Harawira are "cashing in" on the flag.
Iwi leaders from around the country will meet with the Prime Minister to discuss issues including foreshore and seabed legislation and water ownership.
School principals want to be treated as "democratically" as Maori immersion schools in the roll-out of national standards.
Rawiri Taonui looks at the alliance with the National Party and the year ahead for Maori.
New Zealand's flag says virtually nothing about how this country sees itself today and how it wishes to be seen.
John Key and Anne Tolley justified a $200,000 taxpayer-funded public relations campaign to sell national standards.
Obama's visit will give badly needed boost in election year.
The Govt will spend $200,000 on a nationwide letter and brochure drop to inform people about new educations standards in place from today.
Gareth Morgan explains why he gives the Tax Working Group's efforts 4 out of 10.