Latest fromGovernment

<i>George Thomson and Helen Wilson:</i> Policymakers overlook children who sit in smoke-filled cars
George Thomson and Helen Wilson ask why the Government is lagging on smokefree car laws.

Rudd blasts dole ban proposal
Australia's Opposition Leader says cutting the dole for people under 30 would reduce the need for skilled migrants to staff mines.

Obama impresses abroad, depresses at home
A prophet is not without honour, said Jesus, save in his own country.

'Queens Wharf will become the people's wharf' - ARC
Murray McCully says a structure planned for Queens Wharf is "most assuredly not a tent."

Nats give in to Maori over rights declaration
National has agreed to support the contentious UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

<i>John Armstrong:</i> Harpoon waiting to prick Key's bubble
Hard decisions over the IWC threaten to end the PM's no-nuke dream run.

South Canterbury Finance: Finding the money
Taxpayers could be left liable for loans that South Canterbury Finance will not give details about.

Close-up view of political storm
John Key found himself on the fringes of a political scandal in Ottawa yesterday, involving allegations of cocaine use and blackmail.

Ongoing debate on lifting driving age to 17
Steven Joyce says raising the driving age to 16 is enough for now, but it's not cast in stone.