Latest fromGovernment

Kindness kills when aid prolongs wars
Humanitarian help has become a huge industry, buffering corrupt regimes and perpetuating war, claims the author of a new book.

Tongan official quits over 'interference'
Attorney-General John Caughi has accused the Tongan govt of trying to curb an independent judiciary and attempting to interfere with the Princess Ashika inquiry.

Thai protesters storm major hospital
A major hospital has evacuated patients and suspended all but emergency surgery.

Beneficiaries and pensioners lose $430m
The Govt has cancelled pumping $430m into superannuation, tax credits and benefits that would have, in effect, been compensation for higher tobacco taxes.

Samoan ruler asked for help - accused scammer
Passport scam accused Gerard Otimi says the Government is "neglecting" the 140,000 overstayers he claims are in New Zealand

'I have nothing to hide' - fake passport accused
A man accused of selling fake passports to overstayers has seized upon the UN's indigenous rights document as a means of defence.

One financial regulator to rule them all
NZ's rag-tag pack of financial market watchdogs will be replaced by a "super regulator" in a move to restore confidence after the finance company meltdown.

Govt may ditch emissions trading scheme
The Government is unlikely to follow through with the ETS as scheduled beyond 2013 unless its major trading partners do the same.

$17 a packet: Parliament socks smokers
A typical pack of 25 cigarettes will cost now $17 after tax hikes were bulldozed through Parliament last night.

Media blast Rudd's retreat
Prime Minister Kevin Rudd's backtracking on his proposed greenhouse emissions trading scheme has unleashed his worst demons.

Tobacco tax to jump 10pc at midnight
Tobacco tax will jump 10 per cent from midnight, raising the price of a pack of 20 cigarettes by about a dollar to around $11.