Latest fromGovernment
<i>Bret Bestic</i>: Ready smiles wearing thin in land of courtesy
A New Zealander caught up in the rioting in downtown Bangkok offers his perspective on the crisis.
David Cunliffe has all the answers for Bill English
The Govt was left red faced today after Labour's David Cunliffe obtained a copy of questions National MP Craig Foss was to put to Bill English - plus the answers.
Mixed reaction to KiwiRail spend
The Govt's three-year, $750m commitment to strengthen KiwiRail is not enough in comparison to the huge amount already committed to roading, Labour says.
$750m over three years to bulk up KiwiRail
The Government will invest an initial $250 million as part of a $4.6 billion long term plan to turn around KiwiRail, John Key announced today.
<i>Chris Finlayson:</i> Shared governance of healthy river at heart of Treaty deal
Chris Finlayson writes on how the Waikato River Settlement Act benefits the whole nation.
Tuhoe veto followed parks advice
John Key says giving Te Urewera to Tuhoe could have opened the way for other iwi to put strong cases for ownership of national parks.
Bad news predicted for health spending
The public health sector is bracing itself for a Budget that may not cover all its rising costs.
<i>Matt McCarten</i>: Brown's hope as Hide bulldozes public opinion
Banks' strategists are going to have a hard time getting media to believe their political spin from now on.
Teens in Third World schooling
Our neediest teenagers are often being educated in "Third World" conditions without trained teachers, textbooks or standard school services.