<i>Aust election:</i> what a hangover
Australia's future may well be decided by three or four independent MPs from the backblocks.
Australia's future may well be decided by three or four independent MPs from the backblocks.
The immediate future of New Zealand's most important trading and strategic partner remains clouded.
Julia Gillard says she has had talks with independent MPs and the Greens following an inconclusive election result.
Up to 80,000 uncounted votes will determine which of the two major Australian parties forms a minority government.
Cobber, it's as tight as the proverbial. The Australian election has gone down to the wire with pundits flailing helplessly to call a result.
The Australian election has ended in a hung Parliament for the first time since WW2.
Photos of Julia Gillard and Tony Abbot in the lead-up to election day.
A baby narrowly avoided being crushed by a truck which flipped in slippery conditions on Auckland's North Shore today.
The National Party has received $200,000 from a wealthy Chinese NZ couple linked to the Crafar farms bid.
A man accused of running a passport scam is offering a $100,000 donation to the people of Haiti.