Latest fromGovernment

Brown gets high-fives from Westies
Super City mayoral candidate Len Brown takes a break from the campaign trail in New Lynn.

Western agencies work on Delhi Games security
Western security agencies have been working with India to try to thwart militant attacks on the Commonwealth Games.

Major roles for Super City Mr Fixit
A silver-haired bureaucrat known as the Super City 'fixer' has been handed the controls of transport and water in the Super City structure.

Suicides stir cry for action
Concern is mounting over the increasing number of young Aborigine suicides.

Fly other nations' flags on bridge, mayor urges
The Auckland Harbour Bridge should fly the flags of all countries represented in Auckland on their national celebration days, says North Shore Mayor Andrew Williams.

RWC hospitality providers told to use words carefully
Hospitality providers - even people renting out their home - could risk a $150,000 fine for using forbidden words in their RWC advertising.

<i>Fiji Times</i> gets new editor
In a move set to raise concerns about the newspaper's independence, Fiji Times publisher Dallas Swinstead said editor-in-chief Netani Rika had quit because of perceptions he was anti-government.

Aborigines take priority over republic, say polls
Australians believe it is more important to have a referendum on recognising Aborigines in the constitution than one on becoming a republic, a study shows.