Latest fromGovernment
Revelations haunt Tea Party candidate
America's latest political oddball is a Republican woman who declared masturbation is a sin and has dabbled in witchcraft.
Recession still a reality for the poor, says Obama
US president Barack Obama says he doesn't care that the country's recession has been 'offically' declared over.
Minor parties set major tests for Gillard
The leaders of Australia's two major parties have been given a wake-up call.
Beefed-up Crown Minerals to chase deepsea gas
NZ oil and gas exploration will get a substantial boost in government resources, including funding to chase deep-sea methane hydrates that have yet to be commercially exploited anywhere in the world.
Mayor hijacked on Twitter
A John Banks impersonator who bemused followers online with oddball policies and flippant comments could soon be shut down.
Embattled Hide clings to leadership
Rodney Hide continues to cling to his leadership of embattled Act as a party insider and political opponents called for him to step down.
Satirist stirs latte land over Tea Party
Liberal news satirist Jon Stewart is planning a "Rally to Restore Sanity" in Washington next month.
Hide stands firm on leadership
Act leader Rodney Hide says he will only step down if he considers it is in the party's best interests - and he doesn't.
Low expectations of Super City council
Aucklanders have low expectations of their new super city council's performance.
<i>Kerre Woodham</i>: Teacher strikes seem unpatriotic
Columnist Kerre Woodham finds herself in two minds about the teachers' strike.