Latest fromGovernment

Increased GST rate applied to September bills
Hundreds of thousands of households have been charged the higher rate of GST for goods supplied before the GST rise took place.

Penny Hulse appointed Super City Deputy Mayor
Penny Hulse, Deputy Mayor of Waitakere City, has today been confirmed Deputy Mayor of the Super City by Mayor-elect Len Brown.

Mainland unites to fight Super City
South Island mayors will unite to fight the economic pulling power of Auckland's new Super City - a move that may hamper multi-billion-dollar dreams to unclog the city's roads.

Telecom needs broadband terms 'within weeks'
Telecom says it needs to conclude terms with the Govt in the next few weeks if it is to be its partner in an ultra-fast broadband network.

<i>Fran O'Sullivan</i>: Bit rich for Goff to find voice now
Goff has spent much of the past week playing political football with two of New Zealand's major trading relationships.

Govt to give $55m for extra university places
The Government will spend an additional $55 million over the next two years to meet demand for places at universities.

<i>John Armstrong:</i> Carter a loose cannon
Chris Carter's warnings at Labour's hearing last night would have shown national council members he could no longer be trusted.

Economic recovery 'brittle' - Bollard
The economic recovery is proving 'brittle, uncertain, and full of surprises', Reserve Bank Governor Alan Bollard says.

Goff: I prefer Carter's damnation to his praise
Labour leader Phil Goff has rejected dumped MP Chris Carter's criticism and his claims the party was vindictive and petty toward him.

Chris Carter had to go - Williams
The former president of the Labour Party says MP Chris Carter's position was 'untenable' and he had to be kicked out of the party.

Labour Party council expels Carter
The Labour Party expelled MP Chris Carter late last night after meeting for more than six hours.