Latest fromGovernment Spending

ACC, Super Fund prop up Govt books as tax take dwindles
The investment portfolios of ACC and the New Zealand Superannuation Fund continued to prop up the government's books as corporate and personal tax revenues dwindled, says Treasury.

Minister raises hopes for new harbour link
Auckland could gain a new $3 billion-plus Waitemata Harbour crossing within 15 years if Steven Joyce's programme is followed.

<i>Fran O'Sullivan</i>: Key's faux pas looking like Freudian slip
No one is underestimating the political difficulties in making substantial change, writes Fran O'Sullivan.

Study confirms Oz 'myth' on unskilled Kiwis
A new study has confirmed a long-held Australian belief - less-skilled Kiwis have migrated there at a higher rate than skilled professionals.

<i>Don Brash:</i> 2025 advice best shot at bridging gap
Recommendations which simply endorsed currently popular measures would have meant that the 2025 Taskforce had achieved nothing at all.

Berl economist laments export failings
Don Brash's report on catching up with Australia has sparked a new round of debate about monetary policy.

<i>John Armstrong:</i> 2025 report too extreme to promote
The 2025 Taskforce has delivered exactly the kind of extreme right-wing-policy prescription its critics had predicted it would.

Catching Oz not possible without slashing Govt spending - Brash
Govt spending would have to be slashed by $9 billion for NZ to catch Australia in the wealth stakes, Don Brash said today.

<i>2025 Report:</i> Brash comes up with predictable prescription
The 2025 taskforce report, on ways to catch up with Australia, presents radical suggestions to cut taxes and government spending.

Key cautious on radical economic reform plan
Radical changes proposed by a taskforce headed by Don Brash into ways to increase NZ's productivity are unlikely to be implemented quickly, if at all, John Key says

Floral expenses become thorny issue at Beehive
Ministers have racked up a $52,000 bill for flowers in the first 11 months of the National-led Government.

Tax cuts in plan to catch up with Oz
The 2025 Taskforce - named for the date the Govt aims to catch up with Australia - will today unveil its report into ways to increase productivity.

Health cuts loom as Govt refocuses spending
DHB chiefs are bracing themselves to make deep cuts to their services next year after receiving Government indications their funding will slip.

Chiefs' big ticket travel spend
Public sector heads claim their trips are vital for NZ.

Hide hands over cheque to repay travel discount
ACT leader Rodney Hide gives Parliamentary Services a cheque for nearly $12,000 as payback for the taxpayer funds he claimed to take his partner on overseas trips.

Hide's apology fails to satisfy public
Rodney Hide has said sorry, but the public still seem unimpressed at his use of MPs' perks.