Focus switches to MPs' unpaid bills
As Phil Goff moves to punish colleagues who misused their official credit cards when they were ministers, attention is now turning to bills that are still to be repaid.
As Phil Goff moves to punish colleagues who misused their official credit cards when they were ministers, attention is now turning to bills that are still to be repaid.
Chris Carter is close to quitting Parliament because he is sick of being attacked as a "luxury-loving gay boy".
A two-week trip to Europe by former Defence and Tourism Minister Mark Burton and his wife included a hotel bill of $15,203.46.
Former minister Chris Carter offers explanations for his ministerial credit card spending "slip ups" and defends the cards' continued use.
Labour MP Shane Jones began yesterday bluffing away a dirty secret he has carried for two years, but by day's end, after admitting it, even he was questioning his political future.
An poll showed 70 per cent of readers thought Jones should lose his job - a sentiment echoed by several prominent bloggers.
Labour MP Shane Jones spoke to reporters after admitting he had used his ministerial credit card to order porn. Read the full transcript.
One minister received contant pleas from Ministerial Services to forward overdue credit card reconciliations instead of waiting to be asked.
Former Labour Minister Shane Jones told radio he was a "red-blooded adult" but using his ministerial credit card for porn should not have happened.
Former Labour Minister Rick Barker charged 16 Corona beers on his ministerial credit card, and later reimbursed it for "some" of the cost.
Labour MP Chris Carter has owned up to spending taxpayer money on pay per-view films and flowers for his partner.
Porn? Wine? Flowers? Golf clubs? What is appropriate? Share your views on the ministerial spending scandal.
MP Shane Jones is expected to be one of the more embarrassed former Labour Cabinet ministers when details of credit card spending going back six years are released today.
John Key John Key's international profile was boosted yesterday when more than 100 newspapers around the world ran stories covering his "snip" quip.
Prime Minister John Key revealed yesterday that he has had a vasectomy, providing a new slant on questions about Budget cuts.