Latest fromGovernment Spending
Mapp tones down Defence savings
The Defence Force may only be able to save up three quarters of the $300 million touted after the release of the white paper, Defence Minister Wayne Mapp said today.
Sickness costs country $5b a year, says Treasury
Ill health costs the economy at least $5bn a year - with even bigger potential costs from those who drag themselves to work.
Govt accounts show pre-GST retail bonanza never happened
The Govt's budget cash deficit is wider than forecast as an expected spending surge ahead of the increase in GST failed to eventuate and companies paid less tax.
Proposed ACC changes privatisation by 'stealth'
Labour leader Phil Goff says proposed changes to ACC levies are the Government's way of moving to a user-pays, privatised system by "stealth".
Labour releases MPs' expenses
Phil Goff has released details of his MPs' expenses from July to September, ignoring Lockwood Smith's decision to withhold the information.
Key, Goff baulk at secrecy on perks
John Key and Phil Goff say they want their caucuses to release details of members' use of the MPs' international travel perk.
Hide calls for more openness on spending
Rodney Hide - the minister who was busted for taking his girlfriend on a $22,000 trip to Hawaii and Europe - has called for openness about public spending.