Health spending gap widens as city grows
The amount of money being spent on health care for Auckland is dropping as the population grows and the problem is getting worse.
The amount of money being spent on health care for Auckland is dropping as the population grows and the problem is getting worse.
But Finance Minister Bill English says he won't make any spending changes.
New half-yearly forecasts by Treasury have seen the $176 million surplus forecast for the current financial year turn into a $401 million forecast deficit, but Finance Minister Bill English says he won't make any spending changes to try and maintain a surplus. "It's not disappointing; it's just another Treasury forecast,"
It is high time for the Government to go easy and give itself more room to manoeuvre in setting fiscal policy, writes Brian Fallow.
Legal expenses at the Mark Lundy retrial have topped $2 million and the bill for the entire case is three times that amount.
Almost half of preschoolers referred to a government service because of learning or behavioural difficulties are not getting help quickly enough.
Remember the halcyon days of the nanny state - universal free health care and education, a fair go for all, semi-decent public broadcasting?
All has been revealed from Gerry Brownlee's $2100 a night 5-star hotel in Singapore to $15 for Tim Groser to have his shirt sleeves shortened.
Sue Henry is at the forefront of protests against the sale, demolition or removal of state houses.
ASG survey shows families struggling to keep up with schooling's extra costs.
In New Zealand, we discard 1.6 billion plastic bags a year, yet the Government is happy leave it to the industry to do the right thing, Brian Rudman writes.
The Conservative government's new budget cuts corporate, income and inheritance taxes while also cutting welfare.
People are concerned about rates - I am too. But as a result of our budget work and the adoption of a levy we can invest more in transport, writes Auckland mayor Len Brown.
More taxpayer money could be spent on a controversial demonstration farm in Saudi Arabia but nothing is planned at present, Prime Minister John Key says.
Millions of dollars in Government relief will be pumped into the flood-ravaged lower North Island, as authorities warn it could take weeks to clean up.
We need wonder no longer. Funding for the SuperGold Card will be frozen at $28 million plus inflation for the next five years.
Budget 2015: Find out about our up-to-minute Budget 2015 coverage throughout the week.
Australia and New Zealands' Budgets speak volumes of the strength of their respective economies and their citizens' state of mind.
For people other than residential property investors, Thursday's Budget is expected to be a nickel-and-dime affair, writes Brian Fallow.
Experts say when Finance Minister Bill English stands up to announce his spending plans, there could be something in the Budget to help your pocket.
Next week's Budget will outline plans by the Government to develop its own land holdings in Auckland in a bid to boost supply.
The Government has released its financial position ahead of next week's budget.
The petition comes as the Salvation Army said it fed 9.5 per cent more people last year in its Midland region than it did in the year before.
Grant Robertson has a tough job as Labour's finance spokesman. He has to critique National's performance without yet having formulated his party's own economic policy.
Prime Minister John Key believes a surplus is still possible but the Government will not deliver a slash-and-burn Budget to get one.
Partners accompanying MPs on an official trip to Europe will not add to the total cost - despite an arrangement that enables their flights to be paid for by taxpayers.
The return to 10-year passports could come about in around six months' time, according to the Prime Minister.