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Google doodle finalists named
Google has named the Kiwi finalists for its first local version of the Doodle 4 Google art competition - and now the public can pick the winners.

Critics vocal on Obama's peace prize
US President Barack Obama's recent Nobel Peace Prize has generated much praise as well consternation around the world.

Cyberbullying victim fights back after 'skank' attack
An ex-model slammed in a blog as a 'lying, whoring skank' challenges web users anonymity - and succeeds.

Gmail users targeted in hacker attacks
Hackers have set their sights on Google's Gmail email service after revelations of widespread attacks on Microsoft's Hotmail yesterday.

The simple keyboard shortcut guide
Just a few keystrokes can turn your computer into a willing servant - these are the commands you'll need to spare your overworked mouse.

Social sites catch 90pc of Kiwi web users
New Zealanders are obsessed with online social networks and increasingly trust what they read on the web, new research suggests.

Back it up: How to save your digital life for free
There's no excuse for not backing up your data these days - it can be reactively painless, and completely free.

Online Monopoly goes back to square one
Hasbro plans to reset its online Monopoly City Streets game after server problems and widespread abuse by users.

Yoko Ono's iTunes blunder over Beatles release
Yoko Ono told a UK website that the entire Beatles back catalogue will be available on Apple's iTunes tomorrow. Was she right?

Tech's big hitters battle for superiority
The global triumvirate of Microsoft, Google and Apple, each masters of a particular technological craft, could be looking toward an unexpected realignment.