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Facebook testing 'real time' ad targeting
Facebook is testing a new system that instantly targets ads based on the content of members' wall posts and status updates.

No Google honeymoon for Larry Page
As Larry Page's ascension to the chief executive post this week marks a coming of age for him, Google itself is also coming of age in another way.

Review: Motorola Flipout
Attempts to develop phones for the female market have included a pink clamshell which opened to reveal a makeup mirror.

Attack of the codes
It's the battle of the apps between planet Apple and Amazon backed by Google's Android army. Tony Murrow explains the clash of the titans

Battle of the browsers
The latest incarnation of Internet Explorer comes at a time when the competition between web browsers is at its fiercest. Nick Clark reports

Who on earth wants to share their web history?
Would you want the world to know what you do online? Several new services think that you do.

Music labels making millions from YouTube, says Google
YouTube is no longer just about building a buzz on emerging artists and new albums. The largest labels are making "millions of dollars a month" from the advertising alongside their videos.

Is this the start of a Mac-lash?
That Apple makes money from apps is not news. But it's the way it works that has hacked off fanboys and disenchanted developers.

<i>Debbie Mayo-Smith</i>: YouTube - it's a tool, not just a toy
If you're a typical parent, I bet you're continually chiding your children for chewing up your home internet bandwidth allowance, watching videos on YouTube.

Christchurch quake: Much of city left without vital services
Much of Christchurch is without essential services after yesterday's earthquake with gas, power, water and phone infrastructure all affected.

AT&T CEO: Apps should run on many devices
AT&T Inc.'s CEO Randall Stephenson, expressed frustration with the way applications are sold to smart phone users, saying customers should be able to buy an application once and have it work across many different devices.

<i>Anthony Doesburg</i>: King of the jungle keeps rumour mill ticking over
Apple's secrecy has encouraged much speculation about the company's plans.

Has Google lost its search mojo?
There's a growing murmur that it may have lost its mojo in the one area it had unquestionably conquered - search.

Phones keep Egyptians tweeting
Egyptians, blocked from the internet, are being offered a way by Google and Twitter to "tweet" by using a voice connection.

<i>Anthony Doesburg</i>: Big shake up has Govt looking into the clouds
Major changes are on the way for public sector information technology.

Smartphone users 'will download 17 bn apps in 2011'
Gartner estimates that smartphone users will download a shopping 17.7 billion apps - worth US$15bn - this year.