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Film turns 3D models into art

Film turns 3D models into art

New Zealand animated short-film Sifted is the first live action film to be produced in what is known as a 'Point Cloud world', which is where 3D points gathered from many photos of the same object are used to calculate their 3d form.

Spreading the web

Spreading the web

NZ has reached for the sky, backing Google's extraordinary plan to encircle the Earth with helium-filled balloons beaming internet access to billions. Google's secretive research team Google X launched Project Loon yesterday in Christchurch.

Project Loon launches
New Zealand

Project Loon launches

Developed in the secretive Google[x] lab, today Google launched a world-first in Christchurch: Sending internet-beaming antennas into the stratosphere aboard giant, jellyfish-shaped balloons.