The four stocks that made the difference
What Wall Street has taken to calling the FANG stocks - Facebook, Amazon.com, Netflix and Google - had an amazing year, with gains ranging from 34 to 178 per cent.
What Wall Street has taken to calling the FANG stocks - Facebook, Amazon.com, Netflix and Google - had an amazing year, with gains ranging from 34 to 178 per cent.
Toyota agreed to use a car-phone connectivity system championed by Ford in a front to keep Apple and Google from dominating control of dashboards.
Despite being declared dead , a new version of Google Glass headset may be coming soon.
Google, in collaboration with Nasa, says it has a quantum computer -- the D-Wave 2X -- that actually works.
Today's Google Doodle remembers the life of Dame Whina Cooper on her birthday.
Juha Saarinen talks evaluating new devices pricing and whether we still pay 'Tech Tax'. + Win a computer worth $1999!
Internet users seeking to hide social media posts under Europe's 'right to be forgotten' law.
Like Microsoft before it, Google decided it would let other companies build the hardware for the software it developed.
Is a compromise possible between Govt agencies and phone makers over encryption and law enforcement access?
Mozilla is warning web users that the push to squeeze ever more internet consumption into apps risks undermining a neutral, public internet.
As if the streaming-music world wasn't complicated enough, Google has announced a new product called YouTube Music.
As if the streaming-music world wasn't complicated enough, Google announced a new product called YouTube Music.
Google can continue to scan books without paying authors after a court rules it was 'fair use'.
The Google Street View car has been spotted photographing Auckland this week - giving city dwellers the opportunity to be immortalised on the spot.
According to research by the cybersecurity firm Kaspersky Lab, "digital amnesia" is gradually blotting out our brains.
Which company has topped the list of local business searches on Google?
When Google was young, the technology company did one thing well. It helped people on desktop computers search the Internet.
Jojo Stewart has managed to edge out the boys in the male-dominated field of computer science.
Will we have to start taking Google's search results with a grain of salt?
As Google becomes Alphabet, its founders, Sergey Brin and Larry Page, are going to become full-time capital allocators.
A U.S. appeals court struggled over the rules to block electronic transmissions that violate U.S. property rights.
It's a bold move, typical of Google, which may be connected to the internet and which earns vast amounts of money, but isn't really part of anyone's life, writes Juha Saarinen.
France's data privacy authority has ordered Google to extend the so-called right to be forgotten to its websites globally.
Amazon is creating a blueprint for an air-traffic system and the necessary technology is rapidly developing.
Google is introducing a new feature to its Maps application that allows users to see where they have been on any given day, month or year.
As Google and Apple start making car apps, automakers must decide whether to hold them off or open the door to the tech giants.
We don't have Pitbulls or Mattel hoverboards yet, but Japanese car company Lexus recently unveiled a prototype for a real, rideable hoverboard.
Spotted a typo just as you hit send, or just sent the email to the wrong person altogether? Here's how to take it back.
Tech giants are racing to find the next "I need it" home gadget.