Latest fromGisborne District

Killer, 12 - father's cover-up
Thomas and Leanne Papuni have waited months for the truth about the killing of their 11-year-old son Triston by a 12-year-old relative.

Boy admits killing 11-year-old mate
A 13-year-old East Coast boy has become one of New Zealand's youngest killers after admitting a charge of manslaughter today.

Fugitive arrested after four months on run
Using tear gas, the Armed Offenders Squad today arrested an alleged aggravated robber who has been on the run since June.

Flooded roads leave Gisborne virtually isolated
Heavy rain has left Gisborne virtually cut off, with surface flooding closing roads and forcing the evacuation of homes.

'Extreme caution' urged as heavy rains persist
Heavy rain is lashing the North Island's East Coast, leaving dozens of homes without power and closing rural schools and roads.

Homes evacuated as rain lashes Gisborne region
Schools have closed, houses are without power and homes have been evacuated as rain continues to lash the Gisborne region.

Snow falling in Waikato, Bay of Plenty
The icy southerly sweeping up the North Island has brought snow to the hills around Waikato and the Bay of Plenty and in some paddocks.

NZ set for warmer than usual weather - NIWA
NIWA's latest seasonal outlook predicts temperatures in all regions are likely to be above average from October to December.

Govt didn't look at environment when awarding oil permit
Official documents show the Government did not consider the environment when awarding an East Cape off shore oil exploration permit.

Parents join plea for help to find son
Jessica and Damon Ward today appealed for people to take five minutes to check all around their properties in case their "curious little boy" had got lost and taken shelter.

Police again check river for missing boy
A police dive squad is again scouring the Waimata River as the search for missing four-year-old Gisborne boy Lucas Ward enters its third day.