'Poor drafting' of tenancy agreement and 'harassment' costs landlord thousands
A long tenancy dispute on a lifestyle block ended with an order for $8300 in compensation.
A long tenancy dispute on a lifestyle block ended with an order for $8300 in compensation.
Traffic management was in place while firefighters dealt with a 30 metre by 50 blaze.
Forestry Minister cites 'unworkable regulatory burden' as a reason for proposed changes.
Gisborne councillors ponder whether to wait for national guidance on freshwater planning.
New leadership at horticultural business next year as McPhail brothers take over.
Jess Terekia inspires future kaitiaki at a public talk during Conservation Week.
Club championship title, tournament win and a hole-in-one.
Two local knockout cup finals to be decided in Gisborne.
Oliver Shone, 11, was on holiday when he tragically was killed by a log at Waikanae Beach.
'Half the team will be fresh and half will be exhausted', says the coach.
A 5% market share could boost Tairāwhiti's economy by $500 million and create 4000 jobs.
Emergency services were called to a single-vehicle crash on Matawai Rd.
Hope that coastal data will be useful in decision-making, planning.
Gisborne's DrainWise scheme hailed for boosting sewage system capacity during wet weather.
A German-owned company is investing in Gisborne's apple industry with an orchard purchase.
Three people have been taken to Gisborne Hospital with serious to critical injuries.
'Fever might be our body's way of launching an attack against infection.': researcher
Six flights between Auckland and Gisborne were cancelled on Tuesday.
Mayor Stoltz thanks Govt for investment, highlighting cyclone damage.
Iwi of Tairāwhiti have arrived at the tangi for Kīngi Tūheitia.
There's plenty riding on Thistle's last league game.
Tairāwhiti Wai Connections offers tailored support for catchment issues.
Call to ban engineered stone benchtops in NZ due to silicosis risk.
Gizzy hard as New Zealand pipped by Aussies for overall honours
Online abuse rising in NZ but interactions mainly positive for Gisborne councillors.
Brown, Petro make several ocean, beach event finals on Gold Coast.
'We are still looking for three others': police
"To be selected from a national pool ... is perhaps an aspirational pinnacle."
Editor of NZ Gardener to speak at the society's 100-year celebrations.
Today marks 50 years since PM Norm Kirk's sudden death, leaving the nation in shock