Latest FromGermany

German please explain to Obama

German please explain to Obama

The White House was scrambling to head off a major diplomatic incident after the German Government said it had received information that US spies may have tapped Chancellor Angela Merkel's personal mobile phone for years.

Hitler's devoted bodyguard dies

Hitler's devoted bodyguard dies

He was Adolf Hitler's devoted bodyguard for most of World War II and the last remaining witness to the Nazi leader's final hours in his Berlin bunker. To the very end, SS Staff Sgt. Rochus Misch was proud of it all.

MTV Awards red carpet

MTV Awards red carpet

The MTV European Awards are held each year in a different European city, with past hosts including Belfast in 2011, Madrid in 2010 and Berlin in 2009. German-born supermodel Heidi Klum, 39, hosted this year's event in Frankfurt. Check out the snaps taken on the red carpet.