Kreuzberg: A walk on Berlin's wild side
For many, Kreuzberg is Berlin; a spirited, multicultural district with stories to tell.
For many, Kreuzberg is Berlin; a spirited, multicultural district with stories to tell.
International students say many are working for below minimum wage with no rights.
Octogenarian Holocaust denier has begun her prison sentence.
Woman forged ex-husband's signature to use frozen embryos for IVF treatment.
What do you give a fellow Prime Minister when she's expecting a baby?
COMMENT: She won people over from Paris to London. but it wasn't all glamour for Ardern.
COMMENT: 'Mein Gott!': Angela Merkel's verdict on Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern.
Country reliant on world trade and therefore a bellwether for health of global economy.
Ardern's visit could be a welcome reprieve for Merkel.
Female engineer and mother explains the technology behind her invention.
Driver of vehicle took his own life after killing three others and injuring 26 in Munster
Serge and Beate Klarsfeld are horrified by the state of affairs in Europe and beyond.
New Zealand's roads have recorded a grizzly amount of fatalities in just four days.
Couple killed in a Northland road crash had crossed the centreline, say police.
Mayor urges young people to make friends and try new experiences.
Merkels' weaker position at home will make it harder for her to broker compromise abroad.
Three pensioners say their human rights are being breached by pension deductions.
Immigration NZ has finished as inquiry into whether Kim Dotcom can be deported.
Talks are underway, South African newspaper claims.
Councils could get more money to lower bus and train fares by getting people out of cars.
Forensic scientist warns men are pushing risky masturbation practices to the limit.
Turns out Enoch Orious, aka Jamie Burfoot, grew up on North Shore and went to Westlake.
German Chancellor has to find place in Cabinet for critics of her migration, EU policies.
COMMENT: Barrier that divided Berlin created a state of mind that was harder to dismantle.
Police in Germany are hunting for two 'witches' after a teen ended up with bad burns.
Repeated moves to buy equipment that could be used for nuclear weapons were uncovered.
Underneath a popular German tourist area is a bizarre new club for the mega-rich.
Monkeys forced to breathe diesel exhaust fumes for 8 hours to prove they weren't toxic.
Jennifer Simms is one of 25 contestants vying to win a Discovery Channel internship.