Latest fromGangs

Arrests after police officers injured by drunken 'cowardly bullies'
Three teenage boys were arrested last night in relation to a pack attack which left two police officers seriously injured.

Neo-Nazi's estranged wife admits kicking police
A 28-year-old woman has admitted spitting into a police officer's mouth and kicking two officers in the groin.

Wife of former gang boss admits fraud
An ex-gangster's wife has admitted using documents to dishonestly claim $12,000 from taxpayers.

Drugs war soaking Mexico-US border blood red
Narcotraficantes, or drug dealers, can buy the murder of many, and the loyalty of nearly everyone.

Teen girl tried to stop cop attack
A fifteen-year-old schoolgirl tried to fend off the group of teenagers who viciously bashed a South Auckland police officer.

Two police brutally attacked hours apart
Police Minister talks tough after one cop goes into a coma and another had his lip bitten off.

Stab victim reached for gun, court told
A witness has described how a man reached for his gun case just seconds before tussling with a Mongrel Mob prospect, who is now charged with his murder.