Washington: A lucky break for tribal culture
Pamela Wade discovers how gaming has helped native American cultures survive.
Pamela Wade discovers how gaming has helped native American cultures survive.
Stressed-out Cantabrians have been squandering Red Cross cash handouts on poker machines.
Punters sick of betting on horses or rugby will be able to speculate on when Prince William and Kate Middleton will have their first child.
Two winners each scooped more than $17.6 million in last night's must-be-won Lotto Powerball draw.
The ticket machines were on overdrive at Lotto shops as people queued for their chance to win Powerball's highest-ever jackpot of $34 million. More than 1000 tickets per minute were sold nationwide between 6am and 10am today.
Mike Edgington's Lotto fantasy list starts off simply - "house, car, boat, and some for Christchurch".
The man doesn't normally play Lotto but was attracted to buy a ticket by last week's big jackpot.
The only big Lotto winner over the weekend is yet to come forward and claim the $1 million prize.
The Lotto first division Powerball prize has jackpotted yet again.
The quake-damaged Christchurch casino which has been closed since February 22 could reopen at a different site. Staff today were given the stark choice of taking redundancy or unpaid leave.
Lotto winner Raymond has a simple piece of advice for anyone who wins big - don't tell anyone.
The $339 million refit for Adelaide's casino by the river aims to make it a glamorous venue that will attract gamblers from neighbouring states.
The Lotto Powerball jackpot has soared to a whopping $28 million after last night's $25m draw failed to secure a winner.
Kara Hurring says she's pleased to be home again after skipping the country two years ago
The Powerball jackpot has been bumped up for this weekend's special draw to benefit the people of Christchurch, NZ Lotteries says.