Latest fromGallipoli 100: Birth of the Anzacs
The sanctuary for mustard gas victims that became a successful Hawke's Bay winery
Pukeora Estate was used to help thousands of soldiers recover after WWI.
Nearly 60 Anzac Day events in Auckland scrapped
The council, RSA and Police have agreed on the consolidated list of events.
France: Unearthing the final casualty of the First World War
The official estimate of war dead from the final day is 10,900, almost certainly low.
Armistice day: Lest we forget
It can be rewarding to take time out and pay respects, writes Jude Dobson.
Gallipoli medal won, century later
Corporal John McIntosh Fraser was one of the thousands of Kiwi soldiers killed during WW1.
Raining purple poppies: Remember the animals
Bulls community make purple poppies for war animals. Made with funding from NZ On Air.
Landscapes for rememberance
Gallipoli to Ypres: the First World War changed these sites forever, in stunning photos by Michael St. Maur Sheil
Anton Oliver: Aussies and Kiwis must learn from the past
The greatest honour we can pay the dead is to learn from the past and to never commit ourselves to such barbarity again, writes Anton Oliver
ANZAC: The dawning of a terrible day
An ANZAC Veteran sheds new light with his trench-eye view story in with 'Anzac: A Retrospect'. It now features in a new anthology of New Zealand war writing.
Editorial: Timely recognition for taking of Chunuk Bair
Bravery and resolve of New Zealand's troops' supreme feat of achievement deserves August 8 commemoration.
Gallipoli 100: Timelapse of ANZAC Day dawn service
Timelapse of the Anzac Day Dawn Service 2015, Auckland War Memorial Museum. Source: Auckland Museum/Facebook
The Gallipoli 100 diaries: Jamie Simpson
Jamie Simpson is among more than 1000 New Zealanders who will be part of the 10,500 people gathering near Anzac Cove to honour the Anzac sacrifice at Gallipoli 100 years ago. This is her video diary of his experience.
The Gallipoli 100 diaries: Lyn Griffiths
Lyn Griffiths is among more than 1000 New Zealanders who will be part of the 10,500 people gathering near Anzac Cove to honour the Anzac sacrifice at Gallipoli 100 years ago. This is her video diary of her experience.
The Gallipoli 100 diaries: Rachael Alp
Rachael Alp is among more than 1000 New Zealanders who will be part of the 10,500 people gathering near Anzac Cove to honour the Anzac sacrifice at Gallipoli 100 years ago. This is her video diary of her experience.
Epitaphs reveal Anzac spirit to pilgrims
At Walker's Ridge cemetery there is a grave that many stop beside. It catches your breath and gives you a sharp jolt of reality.
Anzac: Commemorations at Chunuk Bair
"You are here today on sacred ground. You are walking in the footsteps of your forebears, of your countrymen. Honoring their memory."