Latest fromFront Page - Top Stories

Chlöe Swarbrick: Who decides what's fair? We all do
History shows social injustice can be changed, and it's our turn - our future demands it.

Rod Jackson: 'Last chance' - why two doses are not enough to fight Omicron
OPINION: Auckland University epidemiologist says Omicron will be more harmful than Delta.

The future of travel: Flight Centre's trends for 2022
Kiwis want to see their families, beaches and luxury travel when borders reopen.

Catholic Church says abuse cases not yet referred to police
The church reported 1680 cases of alleged abuse - with 592 individuals named.

Sideswipe: What is that huge fungus?
A daily column looking at humorous, satirical and simply strange news.

Wellington's council to make u-turn on late night parking fees
Several parking wardens have quit due to safety concerns with the late-night shifts.

Multibillion-dollar tech company to train Kiwi school leavers
It's expected more than 10 per cent of workers needed over next decade will be IT-skilled.

Roche denies it took rapid tests, but won't say where missing tests went
Company denies it took tests already in New Zealand, but won't say where the tests went.

NZ's $17b international tourism sector big loser as Australia reopens
Competition is fierce for visitors and NZ isn't yet in the game, says sector leader.

Kiwi exec in hot water for 'exploiting' MIQ loophole starts work next week
His company doesn't condone action but seeks judicial review of Govt's entry refusals.

'Big boost week': Text and email alerts start today for 1m NZers
PM says Omicron is likely to accelerate quickly.

Fuel rage: Could petrol prices for 91 also hit $3 per litre?
Drivers could be in for even more pain at the pump.

Pioneer puts $10m into Wellington firm that helps the likes of Uber and GE make better websites
'Our team were getting particularly hungry.'

Convoy protesters 'in for long haul', council considering options
The anti-mandate protesters intend to stay for 'at least a few days' in Wellington.

Surge in school Covid cases; PM won't engage with anti-mandate convoy
Yesterday 188 Covid-19 community cases were reported by health officials.

Would you spend $500,000 and move countries to educate your kids? This Korean mum has
"Sometimes I feel like I have a lot of responsibilities on my shoulders."

Cases tear through Melbourne aged home after dodgy RAT results
Major concern with rapid antigen tests exposed by a worrying spread of cases in Melbourne.

'Nowhere to pivot': International student sector still haemorrhaging
'Reduction in revenue significant': Chris Hipkins on international student cash flows

Lucky break: Off-duty surf life-saver rescues trio from rip
Rob Ratten decided to spend 10 more minutes at the beach - his decision saved three lives.

Latest political poll: Large drop for Act sees bump in support for Labour, National, Greens
It comes after a tough start to the year for the Government.

Williamson to miss tests as Black Caps make surprise selections
An already testing assignment against South Africa has been made even more difficult.

James Luck: 'The difference between a drag queen and boy in a wig is confidence'
Drag artist has danced all over the world, including for Jessie J, Little Mix and Sia.

Revealed: What Kiwi parents care about most when choosing a school
Public versus private? Sport versus grades? Here's what 1000 parents say really matters.

Sideswipe: Better work stories with Mum and Dad
A daily column looking at humorous, satirical and simply strange news.

Tim Hazledine: Throwing light on rail plans
OPINION: Emeritus economics professor asks why the choice has to be rail or roads?

Simon Wilson: Why so much Luxon love when he hasn't done anything yet?
While Christopher Luxon's honeymoon rolls on, he's done little so far to cause any cheer.

Father contracts Covid. A year later he dies for three minutes in diving accident
He caught Covid after a 30-second hug. A year later he nearly died in drowning accident.