Debt collector chases Petricevic for $2.2m
More than $2.2m has been transferred to Rod Petricevic's family trust from a Bridgecorp-related finance company of which he and his wife were the only directors.
More than $2.2m has been transferred to Rod Petricevic's family trust from a Bridgecorp-related finance company of which he and his wife were the only directors.
A Bay of Plenty company director was today jailed for four years jail for tax evasion of more than $700,000.
Securities Commission member Simon Botherway has declared a potential conflict of interest in the Hubbard case.
Supporters of embattled financier Allan Hubbard are fighting to help clear his name and have kicked off with an advertising campaign.
South Canterbury Finance loaned money to two entities under investigation, its chairman says.
Standard & Poor's has lowered the credit rating of South Canterbury Finance, on concerns about Allan Hubbard.
Sth Canterbury Finance has stopped accepting deposits while it changes its prospectus.
Hubbard is defending his actions, while one investor says he had been told he was investing in a "trust fund".
One of the Waiouru war medal thieves is believed to have buried a treasure trove of cash built up over 20 years of crime on his parents' orchard.
Thousands of Kiwis are being conned by scams each year - and there's a reasonable chance you'll become one, according to new Govt figures.
Manukau City Mayor Len Brown says the council is considering legal action after accusations that council staff committed fraud.
All Blacks are among the latest sports stars to create tailor-made autographs for fans as a measure to prevent identity fraud.
A former prostitute, who was paid $2.5 million by ASB fraudster Stephen Versalko, was in the Auckland High Court this week to make a deal with the bank over the money.
nzherald.co.nz readers have shown strong support for a prostitute being sued by ASB for the money she was given by fraudster Stephen Versalko.
Bernie Madoff and his NZ equivalent Stephen Versalko, have a lot in common: both ordinary family guys with credible, crumpled facades.
ASB Bank is trying to reclaim up to $2.55 million given by convicted bank fraudster Stephen Versalko to an Auckland prostitute, during his nine year scam.