Latest fromFraud

Real estate agent conned widow out of $160,000
A real estate agent has been struck off after ripping off an elderly woman in a "flagrant and dishonest breach of his obligations"...

How the $15m scammer was scammed
A master-mind behind the Ponzi scam that ripped off Mark Hotchin was also the victim of internet scams.

False Jonah Lomu claimant: I won't get a fair trial in NZ
An alleged conman accused of ripping off the rich and famous is fighting extradition to New Zealand, saying...

'Phantom' businessman fights extradition
An alleged con man accused of ripping off the wealthy - including Jonah Lomu - claims he would not get a fair trial here.

Scammers hit phones in brazen con tricks
Scammers are increasingly abandoning email and hitting the phones to swindle money from their victims.

English told quit over 'epic' SCF bill
Labour has called the Govt's revised $1.2b South Canterbury Finance bill a "disaster of epic proportions", saying Finance Minister Bill English "grossly mishandled" the situation and should resign as a result.

Sth Canterbury loans cost Govt extra $331m
The government's finances have taken a $331 million hit, largely due to problems recovering money from failed South Canterbury Finance's tangled set of related party loans.

Tighter border security at airports
Tighter border security controls are on the way for Kiwi travellers after Immigration New Zealand signed an agreement with Canada. Immigration Minister Jonathan Coleman says it will mean faster processing times for genuine travellers.