Latest fromFrance

Doping: The bicycle thieves
Sports writer Dan Coyle tells Phil Taylor about his long battle to cut through the PR myths surrounding Lance Armstrong and organised doping in cycling.

France: A bon voyage down the river
French wine and food fuel a luxurious cruise down the Rhone, worked off by ambles through scenic towns, writes Pamela Wade.

Europe: Cruising on the romantic Rhine
Anne D'Innocenzio discovers a love for river cruising on an eight-day trip on the Rhine, starting in Basel, Switzerland and ending in Amsterdam.

France: Threads of time spin a yarn
An ancient tapestry reveals a distant family connection, writes Jim Eagles.

Trump calls Middleton's nudity 'stupid'
Business tycoon Donald Trump says Kate Middleton has 'only herself to blame' for the topless photo scandal.

Alps shooting: Was cyclist the target?
The cyclist shot dead in the Alps may have been the main target of the massacre, French police say, not the British al-Hilli family.

Topless Duchess photos to be published
A French magazine claims to have obtained topless photographs of the Duchess of Cambridge and it says it will publish them today.

Joan of Arc, daughter of France
Six centuries after her death, the image of Joan of Arc is inescapable, discovers Jim Eagles.

Five spots for a tree-mendous holiday (+video)
Abi Jackson rounds up some elevated accommodation options and finds treehouse living has come a long way.

Bruce Logan: Same-sex marriage threatens civil liberty
Bruce Logan argues if the state passes a law that changes the nature of marriage then every citizen's liberty is endangered.

Straight-friendly gay hotels
Can accommodation be all things to all people? Samuel Muston checks in to find out.

Has the real Mona Lisa been found?
Discovery of bones in Florence convent believed to be those of silk merchant's wife who inspired Da Vinci

Chick on a bike: Breaking the winter rut
Sarah Lawrence tries to break the winter rut by kicking off training for the annual Lake Taupo Cycle Challenge.