A canal tour de France
Danielle Murray saddles up for a family trip cycling the canalways and forested paths of southern France.
Danielle Murray saddles up for a family trip cycling the canalways and forested paths of southern France.
Toulouse-Lautrec painted its leggy showgirls, Edward VII quaffed champagne there and Nicole Kidman starred in a film about the Moulin Rouge.
He's the bad boy of French cinema. But just how bad has become apparent with the publication of Gerard Depardieu's new autobiography and its shocking revelations.
France is on the verge of introducing some of the most stringent anti-smoking legislation in the world, following Australia's lead - and it could work.
Airbus Group predicted airlines will buy planes worth $4.6 trillion at list prices over the next 20 years.
Thirty years ago, the Louvre Museum was the Queen Mum of the art world, a genteel, rather fusty storehouse everyone knew was wonderful but few felt compelled to visit.
Lydia Ko has one more chance to knock off one of golf's oldest records. The Kiwi teenager could become the youngest winner - male or female - of a major at next month's Evian Championship in France.
Former motorsport boss Max Mosley may serve an injunction on Google over the continued publication of images of him taken at an orgy.
The uplifting experience of visiting the Louvre in Paris is being marred by the sight of packs of rats scavenging scraps left by picnickers in the museum's gardens.
French tax hikes over the last three years and fiscal breaks provided by Portugal are driving rich French to seek homes in the Atlantic-hugging country.
The Pyrenees lived up to their reputation for causing ups and downs at the Tour de France yesterday.
A hundred years ago, thousands of French and colonial troops, huge artillery pieces and the latest hi-tech kit - airships - took part in a Bastille Day parade.
The European Court of Human Rights has upheld France's ban on wearing a burqa or a niqab in public.
Winemakers in Europe, Australia and California are protesting a decision to move forward with the introduction of .vin and .wine as top-level domains.
Nicolas Sarkozy thought it was a neat idea: sell Russia two advanced warships and open up a lucrative market for France's troubled armaments industry.
"Sea," said King Canute, the 11th-century Danish King of England, "I command you to come no further!"
Phoebe Falconer is intrigued to find one of the world's most recognisable statues sitting in the middle of a roundabout in northeastern France.
The French elite may scorn McDonald's for what they see as an economic and gastronomic horror in the same bun, but citizens in a town in northern France have taken to the streets to demand a branch of the US fast food chain.
The original French Alpine retreat has much appeal for the modern snowboard and ski traveller, writes Adam Ruck.
French police cleared three migrant camps in the port of Calais because of concerns over an outbreak of scabies and increasing violence, but the migrants said they will stay put and keep trying to reach Britain.
Two of Hollywood's leading ladies have moved to France to be with their men. But only one of them is making the transition look effortless.