The best (and worst) of April fool's jokes
Want your April Fool's Day fix? Here's some of the best since way back.
Want your April Fool's Day fix? Here's some of the best since way back.
This would further consolidate the close alliance the companies have had for years.
Comment: The French are too obvious, Americans too sunny but the British have it right.
Jewish woman was found stabbed and burned in her Paris home.
Three dead, up to 12 wounded as reports one military officer traded himself for a hostage.
Strikes disrupt travel around France as the French President tries to make his mark.
France's ex-leader was handed preliminary charges on Thursday.
Couple on trial accused of torturing French nanny before throwing body on bonfire.
COMMENT: Some politicians and parts of media trying to put us back into colonial diapers.
Judge threatens to change child's name if parents couldn't agree on new one.
Despite her misgivings, Belinda Henley lives through a trip to London with her daughters.
Tripe, brains, liver, kidneys - Lyon's storied chefs know how to make it all delicious.
Pressure intensifies on Team Sky and Sir David Brailsford.
Mayor urges young people to make friends and try new experiences.
Michel Fourniret has "confessed" to murdering Joanna Parrish almost three decades ago.
Former soldier led police to girl's body. He is being investigated over other Alps deaths.
Heavy snow in Midwest claims lives and causes chaos on roads and at airports.
US President could get his wish for a grand military parade in Washington granted.
The swollen River Seine, which flows through Paris, is expected to continue rising.
The discount on the beloved spread had the French fighting in the supermarket aisles.
French fishermen blocked the port of Calais to protest fishing methods used by the Dutch.
A visit to the French capital city leaves Rose McIver longing to return.
NZ's newest international pro cycling event. Made with funding from NZ On Air.
Paris church introduces contactless card payment system to collect Sunday Mass donations.
Loan of famous Bayeux Tapestry seen as most significant ever from France to UK.
A car parked at Haumoana is the only clue to the whereabouts of Pierre-Antoine Paludet.
The Cote d'Azur is favoured by people with private jets and Prada-sized pockets.
All the jewels stolen from the Paris Ritz have been recovered.
Monastery raided in search for man suspected of murdering his family in 2011.