Emissions ruling angers forest owners
Rules for ETS eligibility have changed drastically, owners say
Rules for ETS eligibility have changed drastically, owners say
Two Whanganui forest ventures are at odds with Ministry for Primary Industries criteria.
Government's billion trees project should include exotic species, including pines.
NZ could slash its greenhouse gas emissions by kick-starting a major biofuels industry.
Forest and Bird say Auckland Council's part closure of Waitakeres is confusing people.
A chance to witness our incredible native tree canopies. Made with funding from NZ On Air.
Forest & Bird’s Northland Conservation Advocate Dean Baigent-Mercer talks about the parapara tree.
Lush Fiordland could clear up disagreement over how much CO2 our forests are absorbing.
EDITORIAL: Valuable primary sector requires protection, at border and inside farm gate.
What happens when a wild orangutan grabs a GoPro camera? You'll be surprised!
It may be impossible to defeat a pathogen threatening several cherished native species.
Council to consider closing the Waitakere Ranges to visitors over kauri-killing disease.
Stella Schmid and Brad Windust want to rid the forest of pests to save the kiwi.
We look at 10 of the most exciting new science projects just awarded Marsden Fund grants.
Researchers building a business case for a bond used to fund permanent native forestry.
A sweeping Government stocktake out today warns of shifting temperatures and rising seas.
A world-first DNA feat by NZ scientists could boost the way we grow the radiata pine.
What do political parties propose to do about combating climate change?
An East Coast study could make a lucrative, climate-friendly case for more native forest.
NZ log prices declined in month as a gain in the dollar made the products less competitive
The final part of the Herald's French Connection series looks at unlocking green spaces.
'Walk in the Redwoods' sculpture is getting some TLC. Made with funding from NZ On Air.
It's a lot of fun as well. Made with funding from NZ On Air.
Colder temperatures may mean myrtle rust might not survive long if it reaches Wellington.
Climate change is bad news for New Zealand's quirky, rain-hating trapdoor spider.
Will Donald Trump's withdrawal from the Paris Agreement be felt here?
A third of NZ's native birds could soon go the way of the moa, a damning report reveals.
Studies find major tree-planting efforts needed as well to curb greenhouse gases.
NZ's safety and natural beauty mean overseas tourists are flocking to our parks.