Blind burrowing creature named after Trump
The creature's behaviour is said to compare to Trump's stance on global warming.
The creature's behaviour is said to compare to Trump's stance on global warming.
Changes to the Emissions Trading Scheme will cap units and bring in permanent forest.
The quest for the best Christmas conifer. Made with funding from NZ On Air.
Largest collection in the southern hemisphere. Made with funding from NZ On Air.
The mite to fight the country's most prolific weed. Made with funding from NZ On Air.
7.5m tonnes of sediment is flowing into Hawke's Bay. Made with funding from NZ On Air.
The plan was to plant 1.1 million pine trees - then someone looked at the ground.
NZ shouldn't rely on seed-banking to save species like kauri from killer plant diseases.
Hicks Bay hapu won't contemplate a port. Made with funding from NZ On Air.
Pitch to owners of marginal land - let us plant your land and split the profits.
COMMENT: Kauri dieback is one of the biggest crises ever to face New Zealand's forests.
A warming New Zealand could help pine forests grow - but not without extreme fire risk.
Using geocaching to discover the history of Wildbore. Made with funding from NZ On Air.
Forest and Bird has shut its own reserves to dramatise a need to close all kauri forests.
Planting 1 billion trees in 10 years is more achievable than it might sound.
But the company says it won't cover the cost of offsetting the fuel it sells.
Winston Peters launches fierce defence of David Parker over Te Arai exemption.
Tolaga Bay people have had enough of slash. Made with funding from NZ On Air.
Forests and birds living in them were also wiped out by the dinosaur-killing K–Pg event.
50 years on from the Manapouri saga, NZ's laws have failed its environment, writer argues.
The first children's book on Mauao will be released. Made with funding from NZ On Air.
While skiers now can feast on pre-winter photos, 100 years ago the sport barely existed.
Fly-overs reveal hundreds of new sites possibly infected with kauri dieback disease.
Closing the Waitakeres is not the final answer to kauri dieback.
Ten of the worst: the misery inflicted in New Zealand by rain, wind and snow
COMMENT: Council has made a brave decision on kauri dieback. Now it has to make it work.
US president hasn't thanked three NZ men for the million-tree forest grown in his name.
Jones said he faced "rehabilitating the status of the New Zealand forestry sector".
Forest and Bird questions whether new stations will do much to stop spread of the disease.
Ancient kauri trees are helping us understand how forests might fare in future droughts.