Dark as night, hot as hell: What it's like inside an Oz forest fire
Daytime darkness. Ember storms. A scientist describes what it's like inside a forest fire.
Daytime darkness. Ember storms. A scientist describes what it's like inside a forest fire.
It is hoped construction will finish at the end of next year.
New Zealand's smallest native bird could soon be flourishing in the capital.
In STV each voter's treated differently, and many fail to elect or help elect a candidate.
Cost over-runs expected in massive effort to protect our birds from a nationwide plague.
A "thermal squeeze" is driving threatened birds to higher, colder pockets of NZ's forests.
'When we allow our precious land resource to be taken over by pines, what does NZ have?'
Urgent action is needed to prevent the disease spreading to Waiheke, Forest and Bird said.
Rats get frisky in the hot weather and this can lead to population explosions.
Damien O'Connor is calling for farmers to plant more trees on their land.
Kaipara mayor and iwi leaders protest against new dump just outside Northland border.
Plans are for 43 tracks to be reopened over the next five years.
Leading lights in show business and sport take centre-stage in Queen's Birthday Honours.
The plan identifies priorities for track upgrades and reopening over the next five years.
Site becomes third confirmed NZ urban bat location. Made with funding from NZ On Air.
A sweeping audit has revealed an environment under attack from virtually every direction.
Pest plagues are feared with biggest beech forest seeding event in nearly half a century.
Allan Jessop, 42, and Derek Hammond, 49, both died in a helicopter crash.
The billion trees project has attracted the eye of some deep-pocketed players.
New changes to the emissions trading scheme would add 89 million trees, Govt says.
Biological emissions from farms should be policed differently to CO2, watchdog says.
"This is what a dying forest looks like."
COMMENT: Try genetic tools or get used to predators.
New Zealand bleeds wood processing jobs as logs ship to China, industry leader says.
Stoats not responsible for deaths of pāteke/brown teal ducks on Aotea/Great Barrier Island
Cherie Howie spends a shift with the fire crews who clock in after the sun goes down.
Scientists are urgently trying to model NZ's "warm" forests to save the birds within them.
"What the forest needs is a bit of renovation, rather than a demolition," says a resident.
Markle's committed something of a faux pas with avocados.
Council plans to fell 13 trees this week without waiting for resource consent.