Australia will sell NZ apples - Gillard
Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard has announced Australia will sell New Zealand apples in her address to the NZ Parliament.
Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard has announced Australia will sell New Zealand apples in her address to the NZ Parliament.
Julia Gillard says Kiwis should not "fear Australia's strength" ahead of the signing of an investment protocol between the two countries.
Prime Minister John Key introduced Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard as his "special friend" when they visited an Auckland school today, where he defended the controversial national standard policy.
Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard has paid tribute to the help New Zealanders gave in the recent Queensland floods at a business lunch in Auckland today.
Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard has touched down in NZ for a brief, 28-hour visit. She spoke to media of the two countries' close relationship before heading to a Trans-Tasman Business Circle lunch.
Allowing the Australian Prime Minister to address NZ's Parliament could undermine its sovereignty, the Greens say.
What is the cost of a US free trade deal?
Helen Clark believes WikiLeaks cables showing 'disrespect' for NZ's foreign policy have damaged the US image in NZ.
Former United States Ambassador Charles Swindells got the job because he was a Republican Party funder so did not understand diplomacy, and as a result fed wrong information about New Zealand to his Government, Labour leader Phil Goff says.
The US contacted Helen Clark's Government to complain about then minister Marion Hobbs attending the screening of a controversial film, WikiLeaks cables say.
Helen Clark has angrily denied claims her government sent NZ non-combat engineers to Iraq over a Fonterra contract.
NZ was disturbed by China's rising influence in the Pacific region, a WikiLeaks cable shows.
Labour and National governments have unsuccessfully tried to get Japan to join us in Bamyan province, documents show.
Former PM Helen Clark decided to send soldiers to Iraq to stop Fonterra losing Oil for Food contracts, according to a US Embassy cable - in just one of many WikiLeaks revelations that have been labelled 'disturbing'.
Chris Finlayson wanted to overturn NZ's anti-nuclear legislation without a public vote back in 2006, a WikiLeaks cable reveals.
The United States wanted to send a group of Guantanamo Bay inmates to New Zealand, according to a leaked 2005 cable from the US Embassy in Wellington.