John Key condemns Boko Haram
Prime Minister John Key today condemned the kidnapping of more than 200 schoolgirls by Boko Haram militants.
Prime Minister John Key today condemned the kidnapping of more than 200 schoolgirls by Boko Haram militants.
When someone pulls a rabbit out of a hat, it's natural to be suspicious. Magicians are professionals in deceit - and so are diplomats. But sometimes the rabbit is real.
The United States yesterday thanked New Zealand for its "strong and unambiguous stand" against the Bahsar al-Assad regime having used chemical weapons against the people of Syria.
The landmark conviction of former Guatemalan dictator General Efrain Rios Montt of genocide and crimes against humanity and United States backing for the scorched earth campaign, was a grim reminder of bloody footprints left by Washington.
As John Key wraps up an important Burma visit, he talks to Herald Political Editor Audrey Young about what he's learned and seen.
The British Foreign Secretary hopes New Zealand and Australia will join an initiative to share diplomatic missions with Britain and Canada in remote countries.
In a key shift, the United States is lifting a ban on New Zealand navy vessels visiting US ports, and will remove obstacles to defence talks and exercises.
Aussies like Kiwis more than anyone else in the world, and we think they are a fair dinkum partner, but that's as far as it goes.