Spark boss bites back at Shane Jones attacks
The Spark boss has taken the war of words to Twitter.
The Spark boss has taken the war of words to Twitter.
Spy chief says he is in the security business, not the foreign affairs business.
New Zealand has work to do to balance diplomatic demands as US/China tensions grow.
Trump is also facing a policy revolt from US Senators.
Jacinda Ardern and Simon Bridges continue their tussle over China-NZ relations.
New Zealand is 'the meat in a very uncomfortable sandwich', says security analyst.
Winston Peters wines and dines Aussie counterpart before getting down to business.
Comment: Growing support outside Venezuela is vital for opposition.
Trump's decision to lead charge against Maduro has stirred understandable wariness.
COMMENT: Is it worth risking our China friendship for fair-weather mate the US?
The US shows no intention of pulling out of Syria but could ultimately face defeat.
COMMENT: There'll be plenty to talk about when Jacinda Ardern finally gets to Beijing.
Choosing swimming lanes does not fit with NZ's independent foreign policy, says PM Ardern.
Contradicting the Saudi government's claims that he was not involved in the killing.
PM removes device from table before talks with Myanmar leader Aung San Suu Kyi.
COMMENT: Will this be a November to remember, or one investors will want to forget?
Trump's completely fearless attitude to debt gives him the economic upper hand - for now.
Former Defence Minister says he informed China when NZ joined strike group last year.
Winston Peters says New Zealand is sticking with "Asia Pacific" rather than "Indo Pacific"
COMMENT: The Emeritus foreign minister Helen Clark said what had to be said this week.
Trade minister David Parker affirms commitment to developing China relationship.
COMMENT: Jacinda Ardern went further on Syria than the previous National Government.
New Zealand should have followed Canada and Australia in support for strikes: Bridges.
COMMENT: How many Syrian children need to die before those pushing for diplomacy wake up?
Ardern's Europe trip will include meetings with fellow 'young' leaders Macron and Trudeau.
COMMENT: It is resoundingly clear New Zealand's assistance is driven by community need.
COMMENT: John Bolton is five things President Trump is not.
National leader Simon Bridges says Peters' defence of Russia and Trump "troubling".
Where Obama, Clinton and Bush failed, Trump is winning, says Paul Keating.
Prime Minister welcomed as 'daughter of Niue' but has a serious task ahead of her.