China's fishing fleet heading for Australia amid trade war
Beijing's fishing fleet has stripped its own waters bare. Now it's heading for Australia.
Beijing's fishing fleet has stripped its own waters bare. Now it's heading for Australia.
The cyber hack compromised federal agencies and infrastructure in a sophisticated attack.
Australia has been hit by trade sanctions. What's to stop the same happening to NZ?
China is New Zealand's largest trading partner, with $20b worth of exports there a year.
OPINION: It became clear that Winston Peters could play a role in the Pacific Reset.
Winston Peters dabbed his eyes during a speech by Jacinda Ardern.
China doubles down after posting a falsified image, says PM should "kneel on the ground".
NZ being pressed to join more strident partners in condemning China, but at what cost?
On his way out the door, Trump is attempting to box in Biden on foreign policy.
Opinion: The first Māori female Foreign Minister shows a different NZ face to the world.
Nanaia Mahuta's first political statement as Foreign Minister was on her Twitter account.
Sir John Key says "normal transmission" will resume with the Joe Biden administration.
Things will change under the new president, but many of Trump's policies will survive.
The US has been asked to 'compensate for past mistakes' and return the 2015 nuclear deal.
Race Relations Commissioner Meng Foon says people should "stop their racism".
NZ's commitment to multilateralism has clashed with a new kind of isolationism in the US.
OPINION: Whatever the future holds for Peters, it is not likely to be a gentle one.
Shinzo Abe was among the first foreign leaders Jacinda Ardern met in November 2017.
Amid allegations Kim Jong-un was ‘in a coma,’ Kim Yo-jong has been rumored ready to take over. Video / AP
Comment: Subscribing to conspiracies or leaping to assumptions are no way to build ties.
Foreign Affairs Minister Winston Peters talks to Newstalk ZB's Mike Hosking about New Zealand suspending its extradition treaty with Hong Kong. Video / Newstalk ZB
Ambassador said China had lodged its grave concerns about the move.
Human rights organisations say around one million Uighurs are being held at detention camps in the Xinjiang province - which China denies. Video / Sky News / Getty
State Secretary Mike Pompeo declares new policy which will infuriate China.
Todd Muller calls US President Donald Trump's style of politics "appalling".
Comment: Jacinda Ardern was forced to step in to repair Winston Peters' damage.
Comment: NZ getting plaudits for our handling of the Covid-19 crisis. Let's go further.
Peters is not concerned about diplomatic blowback over New Zealand's support for Taiwan.
Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian issues stern rebuke to Foreign Minister Winston Peters after he spoke out in support of Taiwan. Video / AP
Peters calls for full Taiwanese membership of the World Health Organisation.