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Chefs' ten tips on how to be a better cook
Many of us have had more than our share of culinary disasters. So how do you conquer the kitchen and become a better cook? Dionne Christian sought advice from some of our top chefs, who share their 10 defining principles of cooking.

Warning for fake AB products
Rugby World Cup fever is creeping into stores and supermarkets as a number of All Blacks-related products are rolled out.

Brunch review: The Burbs
The Burbs is a delightful little space set in a nook of Farm Cove shops in Auckland's east.

Wendyl Wants to Know: 'Grey' patties ok, but home-made is better
These burger fillers taste fine despite additives - and dogs love them too, writes Wendyl Nissen.

Peter Lyons: In praise of occasional excess
I like being middle-aged, fully-figured and self-indulgent. I am a product of our fortunate age and place. I don't want to live forever, writes Peter Lyons.

Bella Katz: Heston Blumenthal - master chef and master marketer
In a sea of "celebrity" chefs, Heston Blumenthal is a master of marketing, writes Bella Katz.

Foods that destroy your libido
While foods such as oysters, chilli and asparagus are well-known aphrodisiacs, there are some others which dampen sexual desire instead of fanning the flames.

Just a little touch of spring
Follow the hyperlinks in Jo Elwin's editor's letter and lose yourself in

Kids in the kitchen boost wellbeing
Knowing basic nutrition and learning to read labels might be handy but you may not need to know these things if you can cook.

MasterChef: How the final 8 measure up
Steve Braunias is addicted to MasterChef NZ. He casts his eye over the final eight contenders.

Top chefs cook for kids' charity
Two top chefs cooked their way into people's hearts - and wallets - to help disadvantaged kids at a fundraising dinner last night.

Fired forklifter darling of pizza crowd
Fired Italian forklift driver Luca Cicioni is back earning dough - and the rookie waiter is a hit with Auckland diners.

Chef snaps up 17th century home
Celebrity chef Jamie Oliver has snapped up an eight-bedroom 17th-century Grade II-listed home in north London.

Gift one of these bottles to dad
Top up your usual Father's Day gift with one of these outstanding wines. They're especially tailored for the taste buds of the thinking man.

Is lettuce a waste of space?
Most lettuce has almost no flavour, hardly any texture, little nutritional value and is about as exciting as a wet weekend.

Restaurant review: El Humero
The mere mention of South American food evokes thoughts of grilled beef. El Humero on the North Shore serves plenty of that and a side of family friendliness.

Brunch review: Hinemoa St Organic Cafe
The menu is an all-day list of favourites and dishes with a twist.

An egg a day is now okay
A breakfast treat once thought to be bad for your health has now been shown be part of a healthy, well-balanced diet.

Calories don't count - salt intake is linked to obesity
A high salt intake may be linked to obesity, regardless of how many calories are consumed, experts have suggested.

When should you talk to your kids about alcohol?
Having the "booze talk" with kids before they take their first sip of alcohol is crucial - and that moment comes earlier than adults might expect.

The only hangover cure that works
A pint of water after a big night? Or a takeaway to soak up the booze? Scientists have now revealed the only certain cure for a hangover.

Niki Bezzant: Bacon and eggs don't mix
Researchers have found a link between frequent consumption of processed meats and lower fertilisation in men, writes Niki Bezzant.

Kerre McIvor: When in Rome - blend in
I'm always surprised that people feel they have a right to walk into any bar or any club in town as if they own the place, writes Kerre McIvor.